Why Mental Health and Addiction Care Go Together

Why Mental Health and Addiction Care Go Together

Are you or someone you love living with a mental health condition and suffering from addiction?

You may be exhausted of trying to find resources to receive help and obtain treatment.

After seeing multiple clients come through our doors with mental health and addiction needs, and only having services available to address parts of their diagnosis instead of the individual as a whole, we knew it was time to innovate. 

As of January 2018, MHA Dutchess County formally and legally affiliated with the organization Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centres (MARC Agency). The goal of the merger is to break down the silos in accessing care by making mental health and addiction services accessible to all, especially for those living with a co-occuring  diagnosis.

As of January 2020, our two organizations will be fully merged and all MARC programming, services and staff will become part of the Department of Addiction at MHA Dutchess County.

Our goal is to reduce harm, the expense of recidivism and provide a single point of service for treating co-occurring disorders. We want our clients to continue their treatment plans longer, and have more successful outcomes in families and the community.

Here’s what our community will experience:

  • Enhanced MARC resources and programming
  • Effective treatment that connects patients receiving detox or reintegration services with an MHA Care Manager.
  • An enhanced Peer Services model, working with trained mental health, substance use  and family peers who will support individuals and families struggling with long term recovery.
  • MHA and MARC actively involved in each step to recovery working alongside partners PEOPLe Inc, Astor, Dutchess County Mobile Crisis Team and Dutchess County Helpline.
  • A successful transition to sustainability as NYS transforms its healthcare reimbursement system, giving more control to managed care organizations. Our membership with 
  • Coordinated Behavioral Health Services (CBHS), an Independent Practice Association with over 22 behavioral health providers throughout the Hudson Valley, will help position us to do so.

At MHA Dutchess County, our mission to make the Hudson Valley a place where anyone can get access to the full spectrum of mental health and addiction services they need, without jumping through unnecessary hoops. By merging with MARC Agency, we are succeeding in making the Hudson Valley a community with accessible mental health and addiction resources.

Are you in need of resources to help with your complex needs?

All MHA Dutchess County and MARC Agency programming and services are now accessible on our website. Learn what programs and services are right for you by browsing or calling our Front Door Services at 845-473-2500.

Here’s what will happen:

  1. You can call, email or visit us in person at 253 Mansion St. in Poughkeepsie.
  2. We’ll appoint you to the appropriate department based on your needs.
  3. We’ll guide you through our intake process ensuring all paperwork is filled out in a timely manner.
  4. If you are in need of financial assistance, we’ll help you receive the funding you need to access treatment.
  5. Once you are placed in the appropriate program, if you are in need of a Care Manager, we’ll ensure you are taken care of.

You don’t need to feel limited by the availability of resources because of your complex diagnosis. Finally, treatment will be accessible to all, regardless of your personal history.


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