Programs for Parents

Raising Responsible, Resilient, Self-Sufficient Teens

Are you currently raising a teenager? Do you want to be proactive in teaching them the skills they need to thrive, and preparing them to face the coming challenges with grace? This workshop will help you prepare your teens to live life well. We’ll help you understand common problems, as ...

Teen Challenge Program

The Teen Challenge Program is for at risk youth, ages 14-18, with a mental health diagnosis and who are in counseling.  Some challenges teens might face today include: low self- esteem, lack of social skills, isolation, and needing further development of life skills and education. The Teen Challenge Program addresses ...

Parenting Explosive Children

Are you a parent or caregiver to a child between 2 and 12 who reacts often with explosive and aggressive outbursts? Does your child seem like he or she only knows one way to react: with anger? This workshop not only teaches you to solve conflicts with your child peacefully, ...

Parenting Challenging Teens

Are you the parent or caregiver to one or more teens who are constantly challenging your authority? Are you struggling to set boundaries? This workshop will help you understand the principles of managing difficult behaviour, create agreements with your teen, and overall feel a lot more empowered and a lot ...

Parent Well-Being

Have you become so engrossed in your child’s world that you’ve forgotten about your own? Are you ready to start dreaming and living again? This workshop will teach you how to pursue your own goals while still being a great parent and balancing the demands of life around you. It’s ...

P.E.A.C.E. Parent Education & Custody Effectiveness

Are you a currently going through a stressful separation or divorce? Are you embroiled in a custody dispute, with your child stuck in the middle? The P.E.A.C.E. program is an interactive class that helps you understand the court system and make sure you keep yourself and your children healthy while ...

Your Defiant Child

Are you caring for a child that’s between 2 and 12 and consistently doesn’t listen to your requests? Are you tired of repeating the same thing over and over again, when you know your child already knows the routine? Are you a parent, caregiver, or educator to a child with ...

Incarcerated Youth Family Support

Is someone in your family under 21 and in jail? Do you wish you could connect with other people who understand what you’re going through? This support group is peer-led and judgment-free, helping you understand and make the most of the difficult situation you’re in. Break the stigma and stop ...

How to Talk So Teens Will Listen

Are you currently raising or caring for a teen who won’t listen? Do you wish you could have a less stressful relationship with them and still prepare them for the world? This workshop will help you get through to your teen, not to mention help them get ready to face ...

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen

Are you caring for a child between the ages of 2 and 12 who just won’t listen? Do you wish that you could manage their behaviour better without losing your cool? This workshop will give you the understanding and skills you need to get through to your kid, help them ...

H.O.P.E. for Families

Are you parent or caregiver to a child with a social, emotional, or mental health diagnosis? Do you feel isolated and wish you could connect with others who know what you’re going through? Helping Others through Personal Experience is a peer-led support group that gets you feeling connected and empowered ...


Do you suffer from a psychiatric disability and have school-aged children? Do you need help creating a stable life for you and your kids? In Emerge, you’ll get some one-on-one time to share your story and your challenges. Then, we’ll help you choose a mix of individual and group activities ...

Children’s Health Home Care Management

Are you a parent, guardian, or service provider for a child in Dutchess County aged 0-20 who has Medicaid, along with a serious emotional or mental health diagnosis, or two chronic conditions? If so, that child may benefit from having someone to help coordinate services, navigate community systems and supports, ...

CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocates

Ellen's Place: CASA's Outdoor Classroom Initiative Click Here to Learn More     Do you know a child that's currently in foster care or at risk of placement? Do you wish you had someone neutral involved to provide an outside perspective with the kid's best interests at heart? An objective ...

Adult Advocacy and Resource Programs

Are you over 18 and suffering from or caring for someone with a psychiatric illness? Do you need help, but you’re not 100% sure what you need—for example in the case of moving or a sudden life upheaval? Our Adult Advocacy program will get you the guidance, resource information, and ...

Our Services


Support Groups & Social Activities


Housing & Shelter Services


Individualized Support Programs


Workshops & Educational Programs


Addiction Recovery Services


24/7 Crisis Center