When mental health is an emergency

When mental health is an emergency

Do you no longer feel in control of your current situation?

Mental health becomes an emergency when one no longer feels there is any hope left.

If you are currently experiencing a mental health emergency, speak to a mental health professional now at this 24/7 crisis hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

We’re here to tell you. There is always care available. 

Find your path to a healthy recovery. 

Supporting yourself or a loved one with a mental health condition, or who is on the verge of a mental health emergency, can be terrifying. 

At MHA Dutchess County, we provide resources and care so you don’t have to go through any emergency alone.

Here you’ll find tips and resources for supporting loved ones and yourself in achieving strong mental health.

Supporting a loved one

Has a loved one’s mental health taken over their ability to be social or accomplish day-to-day tasks?

How you approach a loved one’s need for mental health care can have a massive impact on their recovery. It’s important to prepare yourself on how to approach their mental health symptoms and be of support for their condition.

Here are 5 tips for supporting a loved one that is in need of mental health care and could be facing a mental health emergency:

  1. Educate yourself – You can educate yourself by reaching out to an expert at MHA Dutchess County, and by learning more about mental disorders and conditions from a trusted source, like this one.
  2. Don’t set expectations – It can take weeks or months (sometimes years) for a loved one to reach a point in their mental health journey where they feel safe and comfortable talking about their condition. Let them know you are available to talk and can help them find care. When they are ready to bring you into their recovery plan, be open to their suggestions and what they need from you to move forward. 
  3. Let them take control – It’s easy to feel like you’ve lost control of your life when you have a mental health condition. Don’t step in as authority over your loved one’s life. Standby as support and provide your opinion when asked. For example, if your loved one feels they can turn to smoking for stress relief but you don’t agree with this behavior, be mindful of how you use your words to approach the situation. Don’t just step in and tell them to stop. These small decisions allow them to feel in control. When it comes to bigger decisions, ask if you can assist. For example, once they are on medication and have a treatment plan, ask if you can help create a tracking schedule to ensure they are taking medication on time.
  4. Think equality – If your loved one lives with you, don’t treat them any differently than anyone else in the household. Support their daily routine and try not to belittle or baby them. Your loved one should always feel equal. This provides an environment where they don’t feel excluded or left out because of their condition.
  5. Stay positive – If your loved one is getting treatment, or thinking of obtaining treatment, keep their hopes alive by encouraging regular therapy sessions and taking medication on time. Let them know their situation will get better and they will achieve strong mental health. Let them know they will succeed and recover as a stronger individual.

Individual support

Have you been diagnosed with a mental health disorder and don’t have anywhere or anyone to turn to?

Connect with a Care Manager who will help you with a comprehensive care plan and support and referrals for additional programs and your unique needs.

Call us for more information at: 845-473-2500, ext 3001

Are you looking to connect with someone who has experienced and recovered from your current mental health condition?

Our Individualized Support Programs are designed to provide resources and care for unique mental health needs.

See what programs are right for you online and connect with us to get started.


Crisis support

Is your current crisis due to a substance addiction?

The 24/7 Addiction Crisis Center is a co-ed facility located in Poughkeepsie. It provides access to:

  • In-patient non-medical detoxing
  • 24/7 clinical staff
  • Licensed and certified counselors 7-days a week
  • Individual and group recovery meetings
  • Self-help support groups
  • Family education and resources
  • NARCAN training 

You don’t need a referral or insurance to access to treatment. Call now and get screened over the phone: (845) 471-0310. 

Take your first step towards recovery. We’re ready when you are.


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