Your Defiant Child

Are you caring for a child that’s between 2 and 12 and consistently doesn’t listen to your requests? Are you tired of repeating the same thing over and over again, when you know your child already knows the routine? Are you a parent, caregiver, or educator to a child with ADHD?

This workshop teaches you what causes defiant behavior in kids, and the principles of building better behaviour patterns. Share stories and learn best practices and start creating positive change!

Workshop Topics:

  • Being proactive in establishing new ways to think and act
  • Addressing behavior issues at home, school and public places
  • Using rewards and incentives that actually work
  • Discovering the power of positive attention and praise
  • Staying calm and consistent at the most challenging of times

Register and pay for a class

Select only one option above. Payment will be processed by PayPal.

Details will be emailed with your Zoom registration link once registration is completed.

This training is delivered virtually via Zoom. Participants must have access to a computer with stable wi-fi. Registrants will be required to participate on screen at all times.

If you do not have access to PayPal please make other arrangements with Marlene. Limited Scholarships are available on request.

For additional information contact:
Marlene Taylor, Education and Training Coordinator, MPS
[email protected]
(845) 473-2500 x1309

What is the program like?

You’ll experience a combination of educational information, support and perspective from others in similar situations, discussion with other group members, and training to develop your behaviour management skill sets. Material is based on the book Your Defiant Child by Russell Barkley and Christine Benton.

How do I participate?

For upcoming workshop dates, see the calendar below. For more information or to register, call Marlene at 845-473-2500, extension 1309.


Marlene Taylor


I am the Education and Training Coordinator at MHA Dutchess. I teach numerous parenting classes on special topics which help parents and caregivers to better understand and manage behavior challenges for children and teenagers. I also coordinate staff trainings that range from community programs and resources to special topics such as Trauma Informed Care and Narcan training. I love teaching and having the opportunity to bring inspiring and enlightening information to the community and staff. I truly believe information is power.

Get in Touch

253 Mansion St Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


Ext 1309

How Can I Join?

For upcoming workshop dates, see the calendar below. For more information or to register, call Marlene at 845-473-2500, extension 1309.

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