How to Talk So Teens Will Listen

Are you currently raising or caring for a teen who won’t listen? Do you wish you could have a less stressful relationship with them and still prepare them for the world? This workshop will help you get through to your teen, not to mention help them get ready to face the adult world responsibly and independently.

Workshop Topics:

  • Improving communication
  • Taking action without punishing
  • Encouraging responsibility and autonomy
  • Working out problems together
  • Talking about sex and drugs without lecturing or alienation

What is the program like?

This is an interactive class with participants from different parts of the Hudson Valley. You’ll be working with the workshop host and other parents to learn, work on exercises together, and share resources. You’ll also be able to share stories and get support from people who know what you’re going through.

How do I participate?

For upcoming workshop dates, see the calendar below. For more information or to register, call Marlene at 845-473-2500 x1309.

Marlene Taylor


I am the Education and Training Coordinator at MHA Dutchess. I teach numerous parenting classes on special topics which help parents and caregivers to better understand and manage behavior challenges for children and teenagers. I also coordinate staff trainings that range from community programs and resources to special topics such as Trauma Informed Care and Narcan training. I love teaching and having the opportunity to bring inspiring and enlightening information to the community and staff. I truly believe information is power.

Get in Touch

253 Mansion St Poughkeepsie, NY 12601



How Can I Join?

For upcoming workshop dates, see the calendar below. For more information or to register, call Marlene at 845-473-2500 x1309.

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