Peer Services


What are Peer Services?

Peer support services are peer-delivered services with a rehabilitation and recovery focus. Peers support lasting recovery by forming valuable relationships with our clients. They use lived experience and model healthy behaviors and skills which our clients need for coping with and managing behavioral health symptoms. The goal is to build successful relationships within the community and to enhance recovery-centered principles (such as hope, self-efficacy and community living skills).


Peer Partner Logo

MHA Dutchess Peer Programming includes trained mental health, substance abuse and family peers. Peer support utilizes lived experience and trauma-informed, non-clinical assistance to achieve long-term goals of recovery from mental health and substance use disorders.

Peers provide

  • Advocacy
  • Outreach and engagement
  • Self-help tools
  • Recovery support
  • Transitional support
  • Pre-crisis and crisis support

How can I talk with a Peer?

We have Peers working across the agency and will connect you with one who best fits your recovery. Call Jim at 473-2500 x1354.

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