Custom Workshops

Are you an agency or a group looking for a speaker on a particular topic? Do you have an issue relevant to mental health or addiction that your group would like to become more educated on?

If you have an idea for a workshop, we’d like to make it happen. Whether it’s to raise awareness around a current issue, deliver specialized training, or just to educate around MHA’s services, we will tap our network of experts and you determine the layout, length, equipment, and space you need to make it happen.


  • Identifying group needs and goals
  • Research for appropriate speakers
  • Introduction to MHA and/or mental health issues
  • Literature and handouts (if available)

What is the program like?

First, we’ll brainstorm with you to help you flesh out your idea, make sure it’s achievable, and identify your goals. Then we’ll assess who the most appropriate person to lead the presentation or workshop would be, and reach out to them. Lastly, we’ll work with you to create an action plan to bring the workshop to life!

How do I participate?

Give us a call to get the process started! Please contact Marlene at 845-473-2500, ext. 1309.

Marlene Taylor


I am the Education and Training Coordinator at MHA Dutchess. I teach numerous parenting classes on special topics which help parents and caregivers to better understand and manage behavior challenges for children and teenagers. I also coordinate staff trainings that range from community programs and resources to special topics such as Trauma Informed Care and Narcan training. I love teaching and having the opportunity to bring inspiring and enlightening information to the community and staff. I truly believe information is power.

Get in Touch

253 Mansion St Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


Ext 1309

How Can I Join?

Give us a call to get the process started! Please contact Marlene at 845-473-2500, ext. 1309.


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