Recovery Coach Academy

Recovery Coach Academy (RCA)
30 hours
(Fridays) Oct 6 - Nov 3, 2023 

Cost: $300 (Manuals Not Included)

Registration Deadline: 10/4/23
Trainer's Name: Jim Ball
Training Site: Virtual via Zoom
Credit Hours: 30
Credit Types:  CRPA, CARC, SW

Dates | Schedule:
Friday, 10/06/2023, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Friday, 10/13/2023, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Friday, 10/20/2023, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Friday, 10/27/2023, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Friday, 11/18/2023, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

The 30 hour RCA training takes place on Fridays from 10/6 to 11/3, classes will be held 10am-5pm with one 30 minute break and two 15 minute breaks. The training will cover the basic fundamentals needed to embark on a career that will allow you to be an integral process of someone’s recovery process. The training is virtual and will be very interactive and includes role-plays for depth of understanding with subject matter. The training will cover various areas needed to become a Certified Recovery Coach. 

CRPA and CRPA-Provisional. Peer Recovery Certifications require 50 Hours of ASAP-NYCB approved Training in order to become eligible for NYS Certification through the NYCB.

This 30 hour Virtual Peer Recovery Training is approved by ASAP-NYCB for both CRPA and CARC Initial Certifications and for SW CEs.

Register & Pay

Registration Closes 10/04/2023

Payment will be processed by PayPal.

Details on how to order the CCAR Training manual for Recovery Coach Academy, and all other materials will be emailed with your Zoom registration link once registration is completed.

This training is delivered virtually via Zoom. Participants must have access to a computer with stable wi-fi. Registrants will be required to participate on-screen at all times.

Mental Health America of Dutchess will be offering the 16hrs of Ethics necessary to complete the CRPA and CRPA-Provisional Peer Recovery Certification’s 50 required hours following the completion of this initial 30hr Peer Recovery Training. Details will be provided.

Limited Scholarships are available on request.

For additional information contact:
Jim Ball
Director of Peer Services MHA of Dutchess
[email protected]
(845) 473-2500 x1354

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