Additional Support for MHA

Help us deliver mental health services and battle stigma for years to come.

Our impact is steadily growing, but with that comes growing costs. In today’s uncertain funding environment, the only thing we can consistently count on is the dedication of our core staff and volunteers and people like you who support us with a monthly donation.

Soldier and Veterans Saluting at Memorial Day Ceremony
Soldier and Veterans Saluting at Memorial Day Ceremony

Our legacy comes from improving people’s lives—not for a day, or for a week, but for decades to come. By setting up a recurring donation, you ensure your support delivers maximum impact. More than that, you are helping us fulfill our commitment to helping people thrive.

If you want to support MHA but not at this time, a bequest is a gift through your will that costs you nothing now but provides support to Mental Health America of Dutchess County after your lifetime. Bequests offer flexibility and can be structured to fit your personal situation. The gift is revocable, so you can change your mind at any time should your circumstances change. You can make a bequest of cash, marketable securities, real estate or personal property. Or you can simply give us a percentage of your estate.


We’re here for the long haul of helping people in need. Creating mental wellness is not an overnight task: it’s a long-term commitment. Make our legacy yours too by signing up for ongoing support.

Please contact us to discuss ways to direct your support, such as designating your gift for a special purpose or program within the scope of Mental Health America of Dutchess County’s mission. Contact Charles Flynn, JD, Planned Giving Representative 845-473-2500 x3083

Mental Health America of Dutchess County, EIN 14-1402059, is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental illness and improving the care and treatment of persons with mental illness. For more information navigate to our financials here.

Our Sponsors