MHA and WDST Roundtable

This panel discussion will be focused on optimum mental wellness and the various ways that people can achieve that in their lives.  Experts in medication intervention, health and wellness activities and psychotherapy will explore how an individual can best address their mental health or substance use concerns. How to access care, what type of care makes the most sense, and what is a realistic time frame for recovery will be discussed.


Mario Malvarosa - MD focused on Addiction and Mental Health

Dr. Larry Force - Private Practitioner and Professor

Elisa Gwilliam - Hudson Valley Healing Center

The goal of this roundtable is to normalize internal struggles that people endure and help them feel confident enough to access care and normal enough to realize that they are not alone and should not feel ashamed in any way.  We will discuss new interventions, new technology, and how holistic care can complement traditional care.

Missed our first Roundtable? Watch it here now!

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